Despicable career caught stealing from 89-year-old patient

The family of an 89-year-old man secretly filmed his career after they became suspicious. They found that Susan Pell, 65, was stealing his money.

Pell had visited the home of the Second World War veteran Peter Carpenter twice every week to help to look after him as he was infirm as a result of an aneurysm and arthritis. However, she waited until he was out of the room and then took money from his wallet.

Her charge, Peter Carpenter, realised that his money was going missing so his family decided to set up the covert camera to find out once and for all what was going on. Mr Carpenter said he was devastated after finding out that someone he trusted had betrayed him. The heartbroken war vet said if Ms Pell had only asked him for money, he would have gladly given it to her.


Pell has now pleaded guilty at Boston Magistrates Court, pleading guilty to stealing £50 from Mr Carpenter. It is understood that she carried out two thefts, stealing £20 and then £30.

Becoming suspicious, Mr Carpenter marked certain notes in his wallet so he could find out if any had gone missing. Pell was seen twice taking money while Mr Carpenter had gone to the bathroom.

In a heartrending statement which was read out to the court, Mr Carpenter said the theft had left him feeling depressed and vulnerable. However, defending Ms Pell, Sonya Bhalla said she was very sorry about what she had done and she had written a letter of apology.

Ms Pell no longer works as a carer. Magistrates said she had betrayed Mr Carpenter’s trust. She was sented to a year-long community order as well as being ordered to carry out 150 hours of unpaid community work. She must also pay £50 in compensation to Mr Carpenter, as well as £170 in court costs and fees.







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