Trump Tells G.O.P to Press Ahead with Repealing Obamacare

Donald Trump, has reportedly told the G.O.P to press ahead with repealing the Affordable Care Act quickly.  He said, “We have to get to business. Obamacare has been a catastrophic event.”

It is no secret that Republicans want to repeal the act as quickly as possible, but some with a more long term view want to wait until the replacement for the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, is ready.  Trump has effectively challenged the resolve of the Republicans that understand this is a complex issue.

Speaking to the press, Trump did not seem to understand the issues involved.  He said a vote would happen “probably some time next week.”  Adding, “the replace will be very quickly or simultaneously, very shortly thereafter.”

Given the complexities this is impossible.  A number of Republicans in the Senate had said they wanted to hold off voting until they had a replacement ready.  On Thursday senators will vote on a budget resolution that would establish parliamentary protections for a health care repeal bill.  Providing the bill is passed, The House would vote on Friday if that measure clears the senate.

Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan both say that its marketplaces are dwindling.  The figures, however, completely contradict this view.  Despite the premiums increasing and wave after wave of negative press, President Obama’s best achievement continues to grow.

Aviva Aron-Dine, a senior counselor to Sylvia Mathews Burwell, the secretary of Health and Human Services, said, “Today’s data show that this market is not merely stable, it is actually on track for growth. Today we can officially proclaim these death spiral claims dead.”

Despite the evidence, it appears the Republicans have made the repeal of the Affordable Care Act a matter of pride.

Trump said, “It’s a catastrophic event. I feel that repeal and replace have to be together, for very simply, I think that the Democrats should want to fix Obamacare. They cannot live with it, and they have to go together.”

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